How Do Electrical Issues Start Out Minor and Evolve Into Major Safety Concerns?
Loose electrical connections, condensation build up and power surges are the number one cause of major repair issues in your home’s electrical system. Chances are if these issues are going on in your home, you probably don’t know it’s happening unless you are part of Arnold Electrical’s Good Neighbor Club – where we come out and do an annual safety inspection of your home’s electrical system. These issues will cause flickering lights, tripping breakers as well as electrical fires.
Where Do the Issues Begin?
My team and I are in thousands of homes annually and have observed that loose connections, condensation, and surges are almost always a given when the home’s electrical system hasn’t been maintained.
So here is what happens: The wires in your home’s electrical system get warm/hot when that circuit is being used. They cool down when not in use. Over time through expanding and contracting, electrical connections come loose as a result. Add in the constant use of large power consuming appliances like central air conditioning systems, window units, pools and spas and the issue of loose connections will be magnified.
With our experience, your panel right now will have loose connections that you are not even aware of. In addition to loose connections, water build up from condensation contributed by hot outside air mixed with cold inside air will also cause your electrical system major issues.
Condensation build up comes from exterior pipes not being sealed up into the panel and will cause corrosion and rust to build. Built up rust and corrosion as well as loose electrical connections prevent the smooth flow of electricity, making things work intermittently and cause issues like flickering lights or tripping breakers, and even in some cases the insulation on the wires will melt away or an outlet or switch will literally burn up from the intense heat!
Power surges are a little more obvious at times. You may have noticed them if you work from home, but power surges are also happening while you are not there. Power surges can come from the utility company, or they could come from your own home’s electrical appliances causing issues across all electrical devices plugged into the wall – even if you are not using those appliances. Consider installing whole-home surge protection.
Trust the Experts
Listen folks, I know your home’s electrical system is not on the forefront of your mind. But we’re talking about electricity here. Issues in your home’s electrical system will never be as glaring as a loss of heat or air conditioning or a leaky or burst plumbing pipe. That is why at Arnold Electrical Services we strongly recommend an annual maintenance and safety inspection to prevent the risk of electrical shock and fire to your home and loved ones. Check out or Summer Safety Bundle to knock out and address all these issues at once. Contact our team to find out more about the Summer Safety Bundle, or schedule your appointment with a licensed technician today.