There are many different ways to upgrade your electrical usage in your home to be more cost effective and environmentally friendly. Even though there are misconceptions about using certain lights or outlets, this article is here to reassure you that these simple switches can help you save money and make your home more safe.
LED Lighting – Too Bright or Just Right?
One of the biggest myths when it comes to lighting is that LED lighting only comes in one bright, straining color. This could not be further from the truth because this is the lighting trend that is here to stay due to its variety of many colors. LED lights can also be installed in any bulb-type including recessed canned lighting, landscaping, under cabinets, in closets, and in displays.
Why are Power Surges Important?
Power surges are high-level power spikes pushed through your home’s electrical system. These stem from outside sources such as problems with the power during outages, lightning strikes, and malfunctioning electrical components in your home. If your entire home is not protected then that unprotected equipment is at risk.
On average, $15,000 worth of electronics are left unprotected in a home due to plug strip protectors only offering low-level suppression. In comparison, whole-home protectors protect all plugged-in devices and are much safer than the later option.
Unhinged? Unplug!
One of the best reasons to replace your outlet is to ensure the safety of you and your family. If an outlet is worn or not properly providing electricity then there is a risk of it sparking that could start a house fire. There are many signs of a failing electrical outlet for you to look out for which include visible sparks, frequent circuit breaker trips, and loose screws. These problems can be resolved by every homeowner, but calling a professional is the safest option and can save costly repairs.
Electrical Outlets 101
It may not seem important to know the different types of electrical outlets except for a specific round of Jeopardy, but it is beneficial information for all homeowners. The most common type of outlet is called a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) which can be identified with two marked “reset” and “test” buttons.
Their main job is to monitor electrical currents and cut off the flow of electricity when the flow seems off. These safety buttons greatly decrease the risk of somebody being electrocuted when using the outlet. If there are specific spots in your home that you like to plug your electrical devices into then using combo outlets with built-in USB chargers is the safest option. This allows you to plug your charger directly into the outlet instead of plugging in a charging adapter and causing more risk for a circuit breaker trip.
All of these tips and warning signs could help keep your home cost effective and safe while using all of the electricity you need throughout the day. If you are thinking of changing your lightbulbs throughout your home or replacing your outlets, then Arnold Electrical Services is here for you. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and be one step closer to a smart, safe home!